LOVE ONE ANOTHER. That’s about it.

I’ve heard this story before in talks but only just spotted its source (Jerome). When the venerable John could no longer walk to the meetings of the Church but was borne thither by his disciples, he always uttered the same address to the Church; he reminded them of that one commandment which he had received from Christ Himself, as comprising all the rest, and forming the distinction of the new covenant, “My little children, love one another.” When the brethren present, wearied of hearing the same thing so often, asked why he always repeated the same thing, he replied, “Because it is the commandment of the Lord, and if this one thing be attained, it is enough” [JEROME].

Carl Beech: Iron Sharpens Iron

Here’s my notes on Carl’s recent talk when we were at Soul Survivor, Watford. Great stuff and it was a sell out! Looking forward to  playing at home for the ‘North’ version in January! Details of that so you can book in here (why not organise a group from your church?); Sharpens Iron IRON SHARPENS IRON Life’s up and down, and often gets very hard – and we men retreat too often. Testosterone gives us ‘fight or flight’ but we run too much too soon, rather than go through the muck and mud. Romans 5:3 says ‘We glory in our sufferings’ why – because of what it produces! If we didn’t go through this we’ll be spoilt brats who sulk when something goes wrong. 9 out of 12 apostles were killed. William Carey saw his wife die. Peter preaches and sees 3000 saved, Stephen says, ‘I’ll have a crack at that.’ And gets 3000 bricks on his head. This helps us understand why so many men are down and depressed. The measure of a man is how you hold […]


Lynn Swart at Ivy MCR Called to Extravagance These notes from Lynn’s talk tonight form a great study for our Grow Groups: When she was in the USA recently, saw amazing manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Gold dust on people etc., that’s a miracle – but how about all the other provisions he gives us? Discuss: What do you think about that kind of thing happening in services? Weird – or God? Discuss: When was the last time something took your breath away? Watch the Frozen Planet; the penguins jumping out of the water – WOW! Isn’t our God amazing? It can take your breath away. We can’t script for those moments. God takes people’s breath away in the Bible: Read Isaiah 6: and pray that God will keep taking our breath away… Ezekiel fell on his face before God, as did John – read Revelation 1. What would we do if we saw God in his glory like that? We need to recognise that the Trinity is here with us, now. Do we see that? Or can worship become […]

CAP Centre – Matt Barlow at Ivy MCR

Matt Barlow CAP changes lives, now & into eternity. Jesus calls us to represent his heart to the poor, summed up in his manifesto: Not just recounting what Isaiah saw, but fulfilling it. It’s happening The Spirit of the Lord is on me.. To preach good news to the POOR Freedom for the prisoners And release the oppressed & proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. I’m here to do this! To release the oppressed. He has predestined us to be confirmed to the likeness of his Son. He says If you are going to follow me, you are to be like me. Shout loud & clear. The poor need to be set free. There has to be room for them, in your house, round your table & in your finances. How do we do this? Well the biggest cause of relational & social breakdown is debt. And it’s hidden. You don’t see it, they don’t wear a sign around their neck announcing it. We have a consumeristic, keep up with the Jones, ‘I’m worth it’ culture. Debt & finance […]

Andy Hawthorne: Called to Impact!

Andy Hawthorne When you became a Christian you weren’t called to come to church but to BE the church. Success is not a big building for us to gather in, but when we impact the world. The real action is on the pitch, but the 15 minute break with the manager is important Ephesians 2:10 We – not me. Corporate promises! Not solo flight Christianity. Are God’s masterpiece We wow God!! He smiles over you Created in Christ To do good works Prepared in advance for us to do If I don’t do mine, the world misses out. Go to the grave having done them, This verse doesn’t sit alone. We need its context. It starts with the worst news ever. Very bad news. As for you, you were dead, following the devil, an object of wrath! That’s harsh. But without Christ, we are sinners. Dead men walking. All of us, the best of us. Thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Dark hearts. Messing the world up: and God is angry about that. Everything that spoils the world. Righteous anger. You think […]