Would the people who know you best say you’re becoming more like Jesus in that area now than you were a year ago?
Tag: Jesus
Notes for Ivy Grow Groups based on my talk to be given Ivy Kingsway 4th November (Actually it’s officially MOVEMBER and I’m going for it. Will you join my team or sponsor me please at http://uk.movember.com/mospace/4760473 ) Start the night with an online memory quiz like this one http://www.allthetests.com/tests/flipmatch/puzzle.php3 (Or do it with a pack of cards?) Or even the Christian version! http://www.biglightgames.com/-bible-games-for-christians/21339/12-apostles-quiz-and-memory-game.html Who’s your GG Memory champion? READ Joshua 1;6-9 DISCUSS What promises has God given you recently or in the past that you need to remember? Read Joshua 3:14-17 Discuss: In what ways do we have to sometimes get our feet wet in faith before we see the miracle? Why does God work like that? Read Joshua 4:1-7 All the ‘Memory techniques’ I’ve ever read about all boil down to three simple steps: and I believe you can see them in what God had Joshua do so the people would remember. 1. Concentrate You have to pay attention. Lots of the time we spend our energy trying to remember what we […]
Matty Hawthorne – What’s the point of church
These notes from Matty’s talk at our new gathering at Ivy Sharston form our discussion notes for this week’s grow groups Church is about people with a purpose It’s not about a building Discuss: Why do people HATE church? One of the worst things Christians have done is make God boring One Internet thread Matty found described Christians as the most judgemental people Read James 2:14-20 Maybe it’s not about being more relevant but more real. We talk as if we have the monopoly on love – but the world wouldn’t agree. We talk as if we have the monopoly on generosity. People love to do good works and give. We should encourage and recognise that. Read Matt 5:14-16 What does ‘shine’ mean to you? The message version says be generous with your lives. It’s not (just) about the money! Discuss What makes a church a church? The Bible word ‘oikos’ we translate in the Bible as household is really a gathering of community, extended family. Is your grow group an oikos? What matters? 3 things Love one another Get […]
GG notes – from CVM & New Wine Men’s Day Bristol. @MarkMelluish
Jesus says don’t define yourself the way others do, but define yourself by who is your true Father.
My Life Story (Video)
I had a great time at St Mary’s Upton last week, for their ‘Sundays At Seven’ event. Very professional, they pull in all kinds of people who’d not usually go near a church with this format. Check out the interview at http://stm-upton.org.uk/stmu-info.php?info=nb-121007sa7delaney
We don’t need Divine Rehab but Divine Rescue
CENTER CHURCH – Tim Keller (Ivy GG notes – much of this material comes from today’s Ivy GG Leaders Day; thanks so much to all who made time to attend and for all you’re doing at ‘the church that meets at your house.’) I have been very inspired as I read Tim Keller’s latest book, Center Church. Check out the video summary at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_ZWlPUmVug I downloaded it on my Kindle and began to highlight in yellow important phrases and concepts as is my usual practice, but there’s so much there it ended with what looks like a Christian version of the Yellow Pages! DISCUSS: Do you read regularly or is that something you find hard to make time for? If so how might you overcome that challenge so you keep on growing? What have you read recently that’s encouraged, inspired or challenged you? I outlined my understanding of what I’d read in the book to our leaders as follows: The ‘model’ of church isn’t what’s most important. We have at one end (D.F.) the DOCTRINAL FOUNDATION. What we believe – and as […]
How To Overcome
God says, ‘I can take this and turn it into that.’ Like flicking a light in a dark room. Take a negative and turn it into something else. For every situation, you have a divine advantage.
Your Inheritance for your Identity
For where he wants to take you, there are scriptures you need to live in. Any promise in there is yours. The Bible says ‘God is no respecter of persons’ That means you can become like that person and have that experience they did.
How are you known in heaven?
Jesus came to his home town, stood up to read – and read from the wrong place! Isaiah 61. ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…’
What was he saying? ‘This is how I am known in heaven…’
What would you like to be known in heaven for? What are you going to do now that will matter then?
Your true identity
When you know who you, are you know how you’re supposed to live.