Paul Hallam – Unity – The Missing Key

John 17:6-11  ‘That they may be one – even as we are one.’ This is what is on his heart and uppermost in his mind – unity.  He has everything being put into place on the other side of his death and resurrection. And he knows that UNITY is the Key, if we are to build anything in life.  Nobody can do it alone.  So his emphasis, his prayer for us – is unity.  Even as he’s on death row effectively, he’s not praying ‘Lord be with me, in this trial, make it easier.’ He transcends his needs to pray for ours. We are here as church, because of this prayer.  You can’t just have revival because you hold a prayer meeting or an event, how do I know? We have tried it! It comes – to the desperate, those who know their own poverty who cry out, in their desperation for God, and for their own condition.  Our lives are made up of moments.  Some of have had those life changing, life shaping moments. What if this happened now when […]

Ed Stetzer MOVEMENTS and MULTIPLICATION where we are, now. #Nextlevel

What stops us saying ‘We would love to multiply where you are.’ The only way to do that is to overcome fear. Because fear is the opposite of faith. And if that has stopped you, don’t let having less not stop you doing more because scarcity brings clarity and if we make our vision and mission again. Serving the hurting. Saving the lost – We would see this as such an opportune time

New Future Church Podcast with Dr James Emery White – How To Burn Bright Without Burning Out

I think you’ll love listening to this wide ranging and prescient interviews as we discussed subjects including but not limited to Quiet Quitting in Church, Yoga, CS Lewis and what makes great literature!


I spent some time with my friend from NewThing Josh Howard as he helped a small group of us think about movements of disciple making and church planting.  Josh (who will be with us again at this year’s LAUNCH event in October) shared with us that in their work across South East Asia they radically changed their approach 8 years ago toward intentionally discipling people who would then go and make more disciples they call it “Train the saved, save the lost.” And it’s simple but can be disheartening because it’s not all up and to the right – it’s usually more like a J curve, you see some subtraction – and you don’t see the big crowds now. It seems nothing much is happening because multiplication is slow at the start, one person reaching out and reproducing Jesus at a time. But when you get doubling disciples every six months or so look out – you start to see something amazing.   So in the First Quarter of 22 across the nations they are operating in, it’s starting to go exponential.  In […]