A Better Way To Celebrate St Patrick…

…than wearing a shamrock or even drinking a Guinness Pray his prayer ‘St Patrick’s Breastplate’!  On the day we remember a powerful missionary pioneer. I’m reminded of what a revolution this man of God wrought by reading Steve Addison’s Movements That Change The World, required reading for New Thing Europe! Pray this with me, pray it for me, pray it for you and yours, for your spheres of influence, pray it out loud ( unless it’ll get you thrown off the bus)! I arise today 
through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
 through belief in the Threeness,
 through confession of the Oneness
 of the Creator of creation. I arise today
 through the strength of Christ’s birth with His baptism,
 through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
 through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
 through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom. I arise today
 through the strength of the love of cherubim,
 In the obedience of angels,
 in the service of archangels,
 in the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,

Ivy Corporate Mission Partners Annual Meeting

The major missions partners we support as Ivy were able to report briefly on their current position. Ngage – challenges; a small charity doing big stuff. Getting funding is tough. Everyone going for the same pot. Exciting? Still looking at youth work Hub in Burnage. Also possibility of Free School. Development fund application successful! Roc; Highlights – the Fuse; has grown their faith. 2000 visitors from all round the country. Today in holiday club a child wrote ‘This is the best day of my life,’ Football coach said ‘this has been the best week I ever did.’ Challenge? Bid to deliver restorative justice for MCR Also – family mentoring Need more staff, bigger infrastructure. Besom; David King – Christians being released into social action. Meeting needs to matched help. Building relationships with the people we help too. All kinds of people get prayed for, someone recently said ‘THANKYOU nobody ever prayed for me before.’ David is now holding the baton for someone else to pick up the Baton on this. Dignity. An amazing year – a big movement of 3600 […]

Church We Can All Do

I follow Rachel Held Evan’s blog and I’m grateful for her pointing to this church in New York (a city I’m so excited to be visiting at the end of the year with Zoe). [vimeo 42866194 w=500 h=281] What a great idea – Dinner Church! Who do you think they got that from? I can see this working brilliantly here in Manchester. Sounds, looks and tastes a lot like how church started, and grew – and maybe it holds a big key to how we can once again build movements that don’t depend on ‘Who’s your Pastor?’, but rather ‘How’s your Pasta?’ More about St Lydia’s here. 

FULLY ALIVE! My notes from @erwinmcmanus teaching day at WCA UK

Everything this guy says is tweetable 🙂 I started tweeting some but I couldn’t do that and take good notes so I stopped tweeting… I have seen way too many people not reach their potential, but it’s unthinkable that Christians do that. Christians have been taught that the future was set, by the same people who taught that the world was flat. The words we use most end up having the least meaning for us. Beautifying the bride? If you put a beautiful white dress on a bride with a leg cut off and bleeding, she’s not looking too good. He is from El Salvador – which means ‘The Saviour’. Great address! But he grew up without much religious connection. God was an unreal object of frustration for his mother. He was interested in mythology, to try to work out what it was to be human, which led to a psychiatrist from 12. The psychiatrist asked him, ‘What do you see?’ That clued him into how people see differently. He began to want to escape from a reality he didn’t […]