Alan Hirsch at #Exponential on Discipleship

We can’t say when a person becomes a Christian. Not even at what point the apostles crossed the line. We are to make disciples He makes Christians What is discipleship? 1. Becoming more and more like Jesus 2. Letting more of Jesus abide in me It’s a response to Jesus being my Lord and Savioiur We believe in Jesus’ death, resurrection and return But what about the focus on incarnation – if we are to go as the Father sent the Son. What about his teachings? His life? That stuff is the LORD part It’s not just the Saviour piece -as sin management We are eternally destined to be confirmed to his image. Bonhoeffer – ‘Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.’ CS Lewis … the Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose. It is even doubtful, you know, whether the […]

The Beautiful Gospel – Brad Jersak at Ivy – #Bgbg2 for @wtctheology

Brad hails from Canada and teaches Gospel Studies on the faculty of  Westminster Theological Centre (which I am delighted to be a trustee of and teach on). My notes from his talk last week. He talks fast so I got as much as I could!!  The beautiful gospel is of a God of unfailing love. It’s not a sales pitch I have to convince people of. A presentation that prisoners and the poor say ‘YES!’ to because it’s good news to them. The gospel in itself does not need upgrading. It’s a faith once delivered to the apostles from the Lord Jesus. But we need to be careful how we tweak our presentation of it, for every generation – so they hear it.  We can have approaches, but it’s not steps. He then showed us the gospel in chairs: with two chairs (one black and one white chair). How I heard the gospel first off: the version I came to Christ through – was the legal gospel. Composed by Calvin. Courtroom image. Sin is lawbreaking that must be punished. God can […]

Blah Blah Blah Preaching

You get no credit for looking in the mirror and knowing you’re a mess. What will you DO? You can memorise 12 great principles of successful marriage and still be instant messaging behind her back to that young girl in the office. It’s the same with money, parenting, or business. The blessing doesn’t come because I know. Or don’t.

How Grace Works #Bgbg2

Sometimes grace can be a great antidote to legalism and preaching morality. It’s a great way to grow a church to just say  ‘God loves you as you are, so stay the same.’ But that’s not real grace. 1 Cor 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. Paul effectively says ‘I am who I am by grace BUT… I worked. BUT grace was working in me It wasn’t me working – it was grace. There’s an apparent contradiction, it really it’s a both/and Grace is not a licence to do wrong but the power to do right. Works don’t lead to grace; that’s legalism But grace causes us to work. We have to fundamentally understand grace because God not need your good works, but the world does. You could never do anything to earn it, but when you get it – you are motivated by it. And God […]

Leadership notes from @leadnet gathering discussions

Some notes from discussion with Greg Surratt and Dave Smith in Q & A at  @leadnet gathering   Read ‘The Triumph Of Christianity’ – Rodney Stark –  Traces the Jesus movement through to now.  Describes how the demise of the church in Europe was because it became a lazy church. The answer to the demise is church planting. The most important person in the church for it to be effective is the church leader. And if that’s true… The next most important person is… Who? His or her PA. Who should help you only do what only you can do.   Let other very capable people lead other things. You can’t start with complete delegation on day one, but you have to learn to delegate more and more. You are never going to lead anything big and still enjoy life without good systems that free you up. Be ruthless on what do I really need to know? What do I really need to do. Virtual Assistants can be very helpful.

A True Pioneer – Gerald Coates

Just made time to watch this fascinating video detailing the life and something of the contribution of my friend Gerald Coates. My contact with Gerald, his infectious big vision, encouraging faith and informal mentoring made a huge difference when I was in Surrey. Watching this show highlights a key figure God has used in our generation for the good of His church. No history of the UK church in our generation would be complete without including (and honouring) him.


(Thanks to Dan Reeves for working on the blog – looks a lot better now!) Jesus indicated that it is more important to be ready than know what’s going to happen. During World War II General MacArthur called one of his engineers and asked, ” How long would it take to throw a bridge across this river?’ ‘Three days’ the engineer told him. ‘Good,’ said the general, ‘have your draftsman make drawings right away.’ Three days later the general asked the engineer how the bridge was coming along. “It’s all ready Sir,’ he was told. ‘You can send the troops across right now, that is if you don’t have to wait for the plans – the plans aren’t done yet.” Look at the world around you with open eyes. The only thing that’s certain is that we live in a world of radical and acute uncertainty, so we need to be ready to see what’s working and what isn’t working, to adapt and change and be flexible and if it doesn’t work one way we go, go another – or […]


(This is from last Sunday night’s talk at the Ivy AGM – Awesome Gratitude Meeting) One of my favourite author/ speakers died last year – his name was Brennan Manning. If you have ever read ‘Ragamuffin Gospel’ you’ll never forget it. I have read lots of what he’s written and listened to many of his talks, but it was only this week I heard the amazing story about how he got the name “Brennan.” Because his real name was Richard Xavier Francis Manning – a good Irish catholic name, to be sure. While growing up, his best friend was Ray. The two of them did everything together: went to school together, bought a car together as teenagers, double-dated, and so forth. They even enlisted in the Army together, went to boot camp together and fought on the frontlines together in the Korean War. One night while sitting in a foxhole, Brennan was reminiscing about the old days in Brooklyn while Ray listened and ate a chocolate bar. Suddenly a live grenade came into the trench. Ray looked at Brennan, smiled, […]

Life’s 3 Options #bgbg2

One of the things I have often been challenged about by God, and it draws close to me every day in terms of what I worry about or get concerned about, is the issue of WHO IS MY PROVIDER going to be? Who do I see as responsible for providing for what I need? Your answer to that will have you living in one of three ways. You’ll be a BEGGAR, A DIGGER, OR A GIVER. Jesus told a parable, a story with meaning, in Luke 16:1-13. It’s a bit of a weird one about a man who suddenly finds himself in financial difficulty. The major point, which it’s always safest to go with in parables, is that he thought he’d always have enough, but now the future’s closing him down fast. And the internal dialogue the guy has with himself there leads me to these three ways to live. Have a read yourself. He says ‘I’m too proud to beg, and I’m not strong enough to dig,’ so he ends up getting very creative in the area of generosity […]